
Showing posts from February, 2017

What do I do when this happens?

UE4 animation system includes a lot of stuff as you can see from here , so I'd like to explain some situational examples. Here is a character, what do I use when I want him to walk? We have lots of locomotion examples, but usually you use AnimGraph from Animation Blueprint. Animation Blueprint consists of two graph. One is AnimGraph and second is EventGraph. What are the differences? Animation Graph is the one running animation system and outputs bone transform, where as Event Graph runs BEFORE Animation Graph and update inputs using awesome blueprint system. Because AnimGraph works with bone transforms, it is expensive and a bit complicated. But basically when you have character with random states such as running or flying or crouch, it is easy to use Anim Graph. Do I use state or blend node? State or blend nodes are almost same thing except they provide different features in terms of UX and some detail features - i.e. custom transitions. You can almost implement same ...